Rulings of Ghusl and Its Related Issues

Rulings of Ghusl and Its Related Issues
- Feb 10, 2022
- Dr. Muhammad Najeeb Qasmi (PhD)
اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِيْن، وَالصَّلاۃ وَالسَّلامُ عَلَی النَّبِیِّ الْکَرِيم وَعَلیٰ آله وَاَصْحَابه اَجْمَعِيْن۔
Rulings of Ghusl and Its Related Issues
Obligations of Ghusl:
Ghusl has three obligations:
- To cleanse the mouth in such a way that water accesses all parts of the mouth.
- To cleanse the nose make sure that the water reaches up to the soft bone in the nose.
- To pour water on the whole body ensuring that not a single part of the body remains dry.
- If a person after the end of the bath remembers that he has not cleansed his mouth or nose, he should instantly cleanse his mouth or nose but does not need to take bath again.
- One can bathe naked if he is sure that the place is completely closed and no one can see him, but in such a case, it is better to take a bath sitting, as it will cover a maximum part of the body.
- A woman needs to remove her nail polish before making ablution and taking bath, otherwise, her ablution and bath will be invalid. On the contrary, if she is using henna on her body or hair, she does not have to remove it. The reason for this difference is that nail polish is thick and prevents water to penetrate the nails, but henna penetrates into the body or hair and becomes a part of it.
- Wash both hands up to the wrist to remove the filth from your hands.
- Clean the private part even though filth is visible or not.
- Make ablution just like, it is made for prayer. Avoid washing your foot, if you are taking bath in a place where used water gathers. Otherwise, make complete ablution.
- Pour water on your head followed by the right and left shoulder of your body thrice.
- While pouring water on the body, rub your hand properly so that no part remains dry.
- If you are taking shower, you are supposed to follow the above process as much as you can.
- Ejaculation of semen can happen when one is awake or asleep.
- After the intercourse. In the case of intercourse, the ejaculation of the semen is not necessary. Mere penetration of the penis into the vagina is all needed for Ghusl to become obligatory.
- At the end of menstruation (حيض) and puerperal bleeding (نفاس) for women.
Scholars of Islam differ regarding mouth and nose wash. Some of them believe that cleansing the mouth and nose is Sunnah. According to them, if a person forgets to cleanse either of mouth or nose or both and offers prayer, the prayer is valid and he is not required to repeat it. The majority of the scholars including Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmad bin Hanmbal (RHA)are of the opinion that cleansing the mouth and nose is obligatory in Ghusl. Scholars of India and Pakistan as well as Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Othaimeen a reputed scholar of Saudi Arabia all of them too have a similar opinion. Thus in case a person forgets to cleanse either mouth or nose and offers prayer, the prayer is invalid and he is required to offer it again.
The Masnoon Way of Ghusl:
The following method of taking bath is Masnoon:
When Ghusl Becomes Obligatory?
There are three reasons that make Ghusl obligatory:
Note: Mazi (pre-cum) that comes out while thinking of intercourse or kissing wife does not make Ghusl obligatory.
Ghusl is required when Penispenetrates into the Vagina, Even If Ejaculation Does Not Take Place.
Today some people (against the consensus of the majority of the scholars) believe that mere penetration of the penis into the vagina does not make Ghusl obligatory. Since this issue is of great importance, I would like to discuss it in detail bringing forth the pieces of evidence of the majority of scholars who believe that penetration of the penis into the vagina makes Ghusl obligatory.
At first, I would like to clarify that the majority of Islamic scholars from the early time till today including Imam Abu Hanifa, his disciples throughout the world, and a large number of Saudi scholars have consensus that ejaculation of the semen is not required for Ghusl becoming obligatory in case of intercourse. Although earlier there were some differences of opinions among few Companions of the Prophet (RA). But later they too agreed on the obligation of Ghusl after consultation with the wives of the Prophet (RA). Below I am going to mention a few Hadeeth that concede this opinion.
The Messenger of Allah said: “When the two circumcised parts meet, then the bath is obligatory”, Narrated by Imam Muslim, Chapter Book of Bath.
The same Hadeeth has been narrated in other words where it is mentioned that bath is obligatory, even if one does not ejaculate semen. Imam Bukhari too has narrated this Hadeeth in his book and says that this Hadeeth is the most authentic of all the Ahadeeth narrated in this regard.
Note: Here I must clarify that mere meeting of two circumcised parts does not make Ghusl obligatory. The word “meet” in the above Hadeeth has been used in the sense of penetration, as all the scholars of Hadeeth and Fiqh unanimously believe in the light of other Ahadeeth.
Ayesha (RA) says: “When the two circumcised parts meet, then the bath is obligatory. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and I did that, and we bathed”.(Tirmizi - Chapter of Purification)
After the narration of this Hadeeth, Imam Tirmizi mentions some names of the Companions including Abu Bakar, Umar, Othman, Ali, and Aaisha (RA) and of Successors including Sufyan Thauri, Ahmad, and Ishaq (RHA) who believe that only penetration makes Ghusl obligatory.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “When the two circumcised parts meet, and the tip of the penis disappears, then the bath is obligatory”, Narrated by Imam Ahmad and Ibne Majah.
All the three above-mentioned Ahadeeth are clear. They emphasize Ghusl being obligatory after the penetration of a man’s penis into a woman’s vagina regardless of ejaculation.
As for the people who believe that ejaculation of the semen is required for Ghusl being obligatory, they present the following Hadeeth in favor of their opinion: The Messenger of Allah said: “Water is for water”, Narrated by Imam Muslim.
The word “water” in the Hadeeth has been used twice. First “water” means bath and the second semen, as it is clear by different narrations of the Companions of the Prophet (RA). Now the Hadeeth means bath is obligatory after the ejaculation of semen.
This Hadeeth emphasizes the ejaculation of semen being required for Ghusl, but it contradicts with other Hadith which have been mentioned earlier in particular Hadeeth of Ayesha (RA) which clearly says that mere meeting (penetration) of two private parts makes Ghusl obligatory. For a reconciliation between those contradicting Hadeeth most of Muhadditheen, Mufassireen, Fuqaha & Ulama say that the Hadeeth “Water for Water” had been earlier ruling, but that was canceled later on. Even Imam Muslim narrates this Hadeeth under the chapter “Ejaculation of semen was required for Ghusl being obligatory in early Islam and which was canceled and now Ghusl is obligatory with only penetration”. Imam Tirmizi too acknowledges that the Hadeeth “Water for water” is canceled. He further quotes Ubay bin Ka’b (RA), one of the companions of the Prophet (RA) and writer of the revelation (وحي)in favor of his opinion: “Ubay bin Ka’b (RA) says that in early Islam ejaculation of semen was required for Ghusl being obligatory, but this ruling was canceled later on”.
Having gone through the different Hadeeth and sayings of various Companions of the Prophet (RA) such as Abu Bakr, Umar Farooq, Usman Ghani, Ali, Ubay bin Ka’b and Ayesha (RA) and opinions of Islamic scholars including Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Ahmad, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Nawawi and Imam Tirmizi, etc, we may sum up that “Water for water” had been earlier ruling, but it was later canceled as it was cleared by Imam Muslim in his book. Now Ghusl becomes mandatory by mere penetration though one does not ejaculate semen. Purification has got great importance in Islam. Thus it is more advisable to take bath whenever we have intercourse either ejaculation happens or not.
Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi