Quran Beginners Program (Qaida)
- Makhraj-Correct pronunciation of Arabic letters from their proper origin
- Learning of Alphabets shapes.
- Compounds Letters or Huroof e Murakkabat.
- Harakaat (Movements) Standing Movements or Vertical Harakaat.
- Maddah,Leen Letters.
- Sukoon(Jazm), Tashdeed.
- Nunnation or Tanween.
- Rules of Noon,Meem Sakin and Stop (Waqf).
- Beginner Qaida exercises with the rules of Tajweed.

Quran Recitation Program (Nazra)
- Quran recitation with proper Arabic accent.
- Recitation with Hadar and Tarteel.
- How letter changes its form in the Quran.
- How long harakaat should be stretched.
- Places where, recitation should be stopped or continued.
- Apply rules of Izhar, Ikhfa, Idgham , Iqlab, Qalqalah
- Apply rules of Izhar-e-shafawi, Ikhfa-e-shafawi, Idgham-e-shafawi. Story of Prophet Nuh / Noah (Alay-hi 's-salām)

Quran memorization Program (Hifz)
- Memorize complete Quran with correct pronunciation in Arabic accent.
- Student will be given new lesson for memorization daily.
- Evaluation of the lesson given in the last week.
- Revision of all old lessons as we progress with new lessons.

Quran Interpretation Program (Tafseer-ul-Quran)
- Book of Tafseer: Tafsir Ibn-e-Kathir, Tafsir Ma'ariful Qur'an
- Understanding the science of Tafsir Al Quran
- Meaning of verses word by word
- The contextual meaning of the Word
- Learn Islamic laws
- Quranic explanations in Arabic
- Explain each and every Sura and its verses with other parts of the Quran and Hadees with references
- Understand the commands of Allah (SWT)

Quran with Translation Program (Tarjuma Quran)
- Study translation of Quran from famous tafaseer in Urdu or English language.
- Study translation of Quran from famous tafaseer in Urdu or English language.
- Study translation of Quran from famous tafaseer in Urdu or English language.
- 4. Learn literal translation of the verses, after which students are explained the contextual meaning of the words and verses

Islamic Studies for Kids
- Basic Aqaa'id/Creed: (Allah, Angels, Holy books, Holy prophets, Qiyamah, Taqdeer).
- Five Pillars: Shahadah, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, Hajj.
- Faith: Our beliefs (ایمان), Iman-e-Mufassal & Iman-e-Mujmal.
- Purity/Taharah: Wudhu, Ghusal. How and when to get what kind of Taharah (Purification).
- Salah (Namaz) Training: Importance of Salah, Practice of five-time Prayers (Azaan, Name and timings of prayers, Fard, Wajib, Sunnat and Nafil prayers).
- Hadith: 40 famous Ahadith.
- Islamic Stories: The stories of the Prophets and real heroes.

Arabic Language
- Ism, Fayl , Harf, Aeraab
- Jumla fayliya wal ismiya
- Haroof e ja’rrah + zaroof
- Murakkab e izafi + tauseefi
- Usool ul adad wal madood
- Asma-e-mosoola
- Fayl-e-maazi

Masters in Islamic Jurisprudence
- How to solve Islamic jurisprudential issues
- Reading and commenting on essential articles and essays related to Islamic Jurisprudence subject.
- Identification of specific Arabic Fatwas and prepare students under guidance of Islamic Scholar
- Identification of specific Urdu Fatwas and prepare students under guidance of Islamic Scholar
- Solution to emerging modern Problems in the light of Islamic Jurisprudence.
- The manner of making fatawa using intelligence & critical thinking by understanding the priority & superiority
- Obideince to the research and thoughts of Salaf & Khalaf Scholars

English Language
- Reading: to be able to read and understand language and descriptions of topics from a variety of texts.
- Writing: to be able to write describing impressions, feelings and experiences and to write about familiar topics.
- Listening: to be able to understand familiar topics and be able to understand speech on a variety of subjects such as work, school, leisure and the main points when listening to current affairs

Islamic stories of Prophets
- Story of Prophet Adam (Alay-hi 's-salām)
- Story of Prophet Nuh / Noah (Alay-hi 's-salām)
- Story of Prophet Huud / Eber (Alay-hi 's-salām)
- Story of Prophet Saleh/Shelah (Alay-hi 's-salām)
- Story of Prophet Easah/Jesus (Alay-hi 's-salām)
- Story of Prophet Ibrahim/Abrahim (Alay-hi 's-salām)
- Story of Prophet Loot/Lut (Alay-hi 's-salām)